A Financial Professional at the Helm

Philip T. Purpura
Founder and CEO
Philip is an Independent wealth/life insurance advisor. He is continually living his core values of family first, fostering people relationships, and providing financial purposefulness to his clients.
A Fee-Based Independent Financial Advisor and Certified Financial Planner® professional for more than 30 years, Philip’s objective is to make a difference in the lives of the clients he touches. With experience in corporate, retail, financial, and retirement planning. He provides fee-based services and develops strategies derived from unique individual circumstances, risk tolerance, and goals.
And he’s backed by the knowledge, affiliations, and accreditation of a seasoned financial veteran.
A graduate of Adelphi University with a Bachelor of Science degree, Philip continued his studies to attain his CFP® professional designation as well as Series 65 Registered Investment Advisor Representative.
He’s a past board member of Life Services of the Handicapped, Inc., Disabled and Alone, a non-profit organization that helps families provide a secure future for their loved ones with a disability. He also participated with the National Association of Learning Disabilities and has been a trusted advisor to high net worth clients and their families.
In his leisure, Philip enjoys golfing, fishing, traveling, reading—and spending time with his wife Judy, two children, and three grandchildren.